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Accommodation Base

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Accommodation Providers, be in charge and control of your property by joining us here at Accommodation Base.
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Accommodation Base is a site where we bring accommodation providers and travellers together.

Travellers, by booking directly with the ACCOMMODATION PROVIDER, may be able to get a more personalised service with benefits that are unable to be given through the big On-line booking agents.

Direct bookings help to enable the Accommodation Provider to invest further into their own properties without paying huge commission rates to booking agents, some of whom can charge the provider up to 20% commission.

Many of these On-line agents are overseas owned and therefore all commission monies earned goes off shore and is not re-invested into the local economy.

Help us to help our own hardworking accommodation providers and keep the money within Australia.

Where to go and things to do

Please visit www.australia.com for your Sporting, Tourism and Attractions, where to go and things to do within our Country.

Accommodation Providers

Accommodation Providers and Travellers supporting each other for the best outcome for both.
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